10 Tips to get your child to try new & healthier food

10 Tips to get your child to try new & healthier food

Introducing new and healthy foods to your children can be a challenge, but it doesn’t have to be. It is possible to encourage your kids to try new food without resorting to force-feeding or bribery. With some patience, creativity and understanding, you can make mealtime an enjoyable experience for the whole family. Here are some tips to help you get started:

1. Get them in the kitchen

Getting your kids involved in the preparation of meals is a great way to encourage them to try new foods. There’s nothing like handling and combining ingredients to help children understand about the foods they eat and to inspire them to be more adventurous with their palate. Letting them help out in the kitchen can also give them a sense of pride and ownership over the food they’re eating. A varied palate is a great thing to have, and it starts with kids trying new foods! These are great tips on how to encourage kids to try new foods while cooking with them in the kitchen. A mom of two shares how she encourages her kids to try new ingredients and recipes by having fun with food. She also shares how she gets her children involved in meal-prep, and it’s full of useful and creative ideas. Pick one of these tips every week to incorporate into your family’s meal routine for a fun and successful way for your kids to start trying new flavors!

1. Get them involved in the preparation of meals

Getting your kids involved in the preparation of meals is an excellent way to encourage them to try new foods. Allowing them to take part in the process of meal preparation, such as stirring, measuring, and chopping can help to make them feel more confident and excited about trying something new. Involving them in the preparation of meals also gives you an opportunity to educate them about healthy eating and nutrition. You can explain what different ingredients do and how they work together to create a delicious meal. This is also a great way to get your children to be more engaged in the process of cooking and help teach them important life skills.

2. Accommodate, but don’t cater to them

It’s important to remember to not only accommodate your picky eater’s preferences, but also not to cater to them. It can be tempting to make a special meal for them if they don’t like what the rest of the family is eating, but this can be counter-productive. Instead, offer them a choice of something they already like and something they haven’t tried before. Encourage them to look, touch, smell, and if they want to, try eating it. Ask them what they think at each stage and praise them for their efforts.

3. Offer Small Portions

When it comes to trying new foods, smaller portions can be very helpful. Offering a small portion of each food on your child’s plate can help them to become more comfortable with new flavors and textures. It also gives them the chance to try different combinations of foods without feeling overwhelmed. Encourage them to try it without forcing them and let them know that they don’t have to finish it if they don’t like it. With patience and persistence, you can help your kids become more adventurous eaters.

4. Involve Them in Meal-Prep

Encouraging your kids to try new foods is a great way to get them excited about food. Involving them in the meal-prep process can help to create a positive attitude toward trying new foods. Letting your kids help you plan and prepare meals can be a great way to bond, as well as to teach them about nutrition. It’s also a great opportunity for them to learn about kitchen safety and hygiene. Plan together, and let them help choose a nutritious meal once a week. Print out this menu planning worksheet for an easy way for them to participate.

5. Be a role model and enjoy healthy foods yourself

As parents, you play a huge role in teaching your children about healthy eating. A great way to do this is to be a role model and enjoy healthy foods yourself. Let your children see you eating a variety of healthy foods at meals and snacks. Talk positively about how the food tastes and looks. This will help them to build positive associations around healthy eating and will make them more likely to try new foods.

6. Let Them Serve Themselves

Letting your children serve themselves is also a great way to get them to try new foods. It gives them a sense of autonomy and control, which can be very empowering for young children. Not only that, but they’ll get to practise their motor skills while they’re at it. Encourage your baby to feed themselves with their fingers. This way they can show you how much they want to eat, and it helps them get used to different textures and sizes of food.

7. Create a Fun Atmosphere

To create a fun atmosphere, try creating food-based activities and games. Get your kids involved in the kitchen by having them help you in preparing meals. Let them set the table, decorate plates, or make food art. You can also create fun challenges, like having them guess what ingredients are in a dish or having them smell different ingredients and guess what they are. Making mealtime fun can encourage kids to try new foods without feeling too much pressure.

8. Offer Healthy Snacks

When it comes to healthy snacks, it’s important to provide options that are both nutritious and delicious. Offer a variety of fruits, vegetables, and whole grain snacks, like trail mix or granola bars. Get creative and have fun with it – try cutting up fruits or veggies into fun shapes, or create a healthy snack plate with an assortment of items. Letting your child choose what they want to eat can help make the experience more enjoyable and encourage them to explore new foods.

9. Don’t Force Feed

When it comes to encouraging your child to try new foods, it is important to remember that pressure, force, or coercion will not help the situation. Often parents find themselves using these tactics in an effort to get their child to finish their meals. This can take many forms, such as offering rewards for eating, forcing them to eat a certain amount, or bribing them with a treat. However, this will not lead to positive results and can create a negative association with food. The best way to get your child to try new foods is to create a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere at the dinner table and be a role model by enjoying healthy foods yourself.

10. Don’t Give Up

Getting your kids to try new foods can be a challenge. Despite all your attempts, they may still refuse to give it a chance. Don’t give up! It can take 8-10 tries before your child develops a taste for something new. Keep offering the food in different forms and textures and, eventually, they might just surprise you! Don’t forget to offer positive reinforcement when they do take a bite. A simple smile, a pat on the back, or a “good job” can go a long way to encouraging them to explore new flavours.

10th Jan 2023 Alex Player

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