How to turn your child’s bedroom into a magical space

How to turn your child’s bedroom into a magical space

Brainstorm a theme

Every childs bedroom should be a magical space. A place where they can feel safe, be themselves and have fun. When brainstorming a theme for your child’s bedroom, think about what they love. What interests them? What colours do they like? Do they have a favourite character or TV show? Use these things as a starting point for your theme.

What are your child’s favourite things?

If your child is old enough, ask them what colours they like and why. If they are very young, take a look at their wardrobe and the toys they gravitate towards. You can also consider their favourite activities or tv shows to get ideas. Once you have a short list, narrow it down to two or three colours and start considering colour combinations. A professional party planner or event coordinator can also be a great resource for choosing the perfect party theme and colours.

What is your child’s favourite book?

Your child’s favourite book can be a great source of inspiration for designing a magical bedroom space. If your child loves classic fairy tales, you can create a whimsical room with castle beds, paintings of magical creatures, and fluffy rugs. If your child is obsessed with Harry Potter, you can transform their room into Hogwarts complete with a four-poster bed, a sorting hat, and plenty of wizard robes. No matter what your child’s favourite book is, there are plenty of ways to bring the magic to life in their bedroom.

Choose a colour scheme

Your first step is to decide on a colour scheme. You can use your child’s favourite colours, or you can opt for a more gender-neutral palette. Once you’ve decided on your colours, it’s time to start painting!

What colours go well together?

There are a few things to consider when choosing a colour scheme. You’ll want to think about the mood you want to create, the message you want to communicate, and the overall aesthetic you’re going for.

Here are a few guidelines to help you get started:

-Complementary colours are opposite each other on the colour wheel and create a pleasing contrast. For example, blue and orange are complementary colours.
-Analogous colours are next to each other on the colour wheel and create a harmonious effect. For example, red, orange and yellow are analogous colours.
-Monochromatic schemes use different shades of one colour. This can be very elegant if done well. For example, you could use different shades of blue or green.
-Neutral colours like black, white and grey can be combined with almost any other colour. This can be a good choice if you want to tone down a bright colour or make a more subdued palate.

What colours will help create the mood you want?

Some colours are more appropriate than others for specific moods. For example, if you want to create a feeling of warmth and cosiness, you might choose colours like red, yellow, or orange. These colours are also good for promoting conversation and stimulating appetites. If you want to create a feeling of relaxation and calm, you might choose colours like blue or green.

Choose furniture and décor

Your child’s bedroom is their own personal space where they can play, sleep, and dream. You want to make sure that their bedroom is a place where they feel comfortable and happy. One way to do this is to carefully choose the furniture and décor for their room. Here are some tips on how to turn your childs bedroom into a magical space.

What type of furniture do you need?

Choosing furniture for a child’s bedroom can be both fun and frustrating. There are so many options available that it can be hard to know where to start. But with a few key considerations in mind, you can narrow down the choices and find the perfect pieces to create a magical space for your child.

The first step is to decide what type of furniture you need. A bed is obviously essential, but beyond that, you will need to decide which other pieces are essential and which can be left out. A dresser is usually a necessity, as is a nightstand. But beyond that, you have some leeway. If your child wants a desk, great! If not, don’t worry about it. The same goes for chairs, toy storage, and other pieces. Just make sure you have the essentials covered and then move on to the fun part: choosing the style of furniture!

What type of décor will help bring the room to life?

helming the project, it’s important to take some time to consider what kind of décor will help bring the room to life. After all, this is your child’s special space, so it’s important to make sure that it reflects their unique personality. Here are a few things to keep in mind when choosing furniture and décor for your child’s bedroom:

-Think about function: It’s important to choose furniture and décor that is both functional and stylish. For example, if your child is passionate about reading, you might want to consider investing in a comfortable armchair or bean bag where they can curl up with their favourite book.

-Choose pieces that can grow with your child: Look for pieces that can be easily updated as your child grows. For example, instead of opting for a cot, you might want to choose a bed with removable bed rails so that it can be converted into a toddler bed or single bed as your child gets older.

-Inject some personality: Use furniture and décor to inject some personality into the room. Perhaps opt for bright and bold colours or patterns if your child is outgoing, or go for more subdued hues if they prefer a calmer environment.

-Create an inspiring space: The bedroom should be a place where your child feels inspired and motivated. So, if there’s something specific that they love (e.g., dinosaurs or ballet), try to incorporate this into the design of the room.


Your child’s bedroom is their own personal space where they can play, sleep and dream. It should be a place where they feel safe and comfortable. A magical space can help your child feel happy and inspired. There are many ways to turn your child’s bedroom into a magical space. One way is to accessorize their room with items that reflect their interests and personality.

17th Oct 2022 Alex Player

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