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How to stop your children getting bored during the Christmas Holidays?

How to stop your children getting bored during the Christmas Holidays?

Are you looking for ways to keep your children entertained during the Christmas break? Worry no more! We’ve rounded up some fun and interesting activities that will help your kids stay occupied and have a blast during their holiday. Read on to find out how you can make the most of this festive season with your family.Take a Trip to Santa’s GrottoVisiting Santa’s Grotto is a great way to keep your little ones entertained and excited during the Christmas holidays. With its magical atmosphere, Sant …
2nd Dec 2022 Alex Player
Top 10 family Christmas activities to get you in the festive spirit ?

Top 10 family Christmas activities to get you in the festive spirit ?

Christmas is around the corner and we would like to share some of our favourite family Christmas activities that never fail to make us feel all festive and warm inside. Take a look at our top 10! 1. Read a Christmas story together 📖 The cosiest activity is snuggling up together under a blanket reading a festive book. Check out our blog recommending Christmas books for the season for inspiration. We love reading Christmas books throughout December and our household tradition is al …
8th Dec 2021 Clare Hanson
Getting ready for Christmas visitors!

Getting ready for Christmas visitors!

We are all really hoping that this year can be a bit more sociable than Christmas 2020. We are overdue some glad tidings and spending quality time with our family and friends has to be top of the list. On the flip side, this means that visitors need to be fed, housed and entertained. If like many of us, you have almost forgotten what it takes to host a festive gathering, here are a few tips to get the house ready and to ensure a stress-free time is had by all. Do you have more people staying …
5th Dec 2021 Clare Hanson
Christmas Gift Guide: Gifts for kids

Christmas Gift Guide: Gifts for kids

Looking for some good Christmas gifts for kids? Look no further!Keep reading for some ultimate gift ideas, but first, take a look at our new Christmas Collection! Filled with festive décor for your kid’s bedroom, it’ll have your home looking like a winter wonderland.Kid’s Gift Guide 2021It’s that wonderful time of year again, where children open their advent calendars, Christmas adverts are lighting up our screens, and the weather is just about cold enough for us to eagerly await that first drop …
1st Dec 2021 Clare Hanson
Stir it up Sunday – festive activities for 2021

Stir it up Sunday – festive activities for 2021

What is Stir it up Sunday?In the lead up to Christmas, usually on the last Sunday before Advent, we have the annual ‘Stir it up Sunday’, where families traditionally spend the day preparing their Christmas puddings! This year, it will take place on 21st November 2021 (this Sunday)! So, why not put on your favourite Christmas music, simmer some mulled wine and get ready for those festive feels, because we’re ‘stirring up’ the most Christmassy of ingredients this weekend…Not a fan of Christmas pud …
19th Nov 2021 Clare Hanson

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