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The best Halloween activities! ?

The best Halloween activities! ?

We love Halloween here at TCFC! It comes with so many fun activities that we can do with our kids. Here are some of our favourite: Carving pumpkins Who’s kids don’t love creating crazy pumpkin faces every year?! Nothing gets us in the Halloween spirit quite like seeing the many carved pumpkins flickering away at everyone’s front door step. Why not share your creations with us this year!Tag us on Instagram: @childrensfurnitureco If you do carve a pumpkin this y …
30th Oct 2021 Rebecca Heigho
Spooky Halloween facts we love!

Spooky Halloween facts we love!

These Halloween tradition origins will blow your mind…Halloween is a mystical time for children and adults alike. The fun of dressing up, decorating the house, watching Halloween films and going trick or treating, plus the creative faces that can be carved out of the pumpkins. But where did it all come from? Well, some of these bizarre traditions have some equally bizarre origins that we’d love to share with you! Keep reading for some seriously spooky Halloween facts… ?The Jack O’Lantern ?Or as …
26th Oct 2021 TCFC Temp

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