Our Blog

As seen in your homes

As seen in your homes

We’re bringing you some of the most inspiring children’s bedrooms over the last few years! We are incredibly lucky to have such lovely customers that share their photos with us, and we love seeing all our beds and pieces of furniture settled into their new homes. Have a look and don’t forget to follow us on Instagram for even more bedroom inspiration! From High Sleepers paired with sofa beds, to beautifully styled desks and dressing tables, our customers have created something really special in …
9th Feb 2021
Maximise Space in Their Room, with Minimal Effort!

Maximise Space in Their Room, with Minimal Effort!

As parents, we know just how much clutter comes with a child’s bedroom space. Toys, books, homework, the remnants of a past hobby and boxes containing the new, half built pirate ships/doll’s houses/”insert latest toy here” … The list goes on!Space (and we don’t mean the astronaut, inter-galactic kind), is one of the most important factors when designing your child’s room. When they’re very little, the tots need space to play, imagine and explore, and as they grow older, desks and bookcases will …
9th Feb 2021
Why rubberwood is great for building furniture

Why rubberwood is great for building furniture

WHY WE USE RUBBERWOOD FOR KIDS’ FURNITURE?So, your not-so-little one’s toes are poking out of the cot railings or your Houdini has attempted the great escape one too many times. Couple that with the need for more storage space for the ever expanding toy and clothes collection and it’s probably fair to say your nursery furniture just isn’t cutting it anymore.So, what now? In our experience (and there are a good few years between us here at TCFC) you need something ‘kid tough’ that will …
5th Jan 2021

Your first blog post!

Welcome to your blog!A blog is a great place to share details on your products, business and whatever else you think your shoppers might like to hear from you. You can include photos in your blog posts and even videos. For ideas and inspiration on how to structure your blog, take a look at the Bigcommerceecommerce blog.How can I delete this post?To delete this post and add your own, login to youradmin area, click the Content tab at the top of the screen and choose Blog.Powered by BigcommerceYou …
15th Feb 2014

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