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Is toy storage becoming more of an issue than you thought?

Is toy storage becoming more of an issue than you thought?

Is your house feeling overrun by toys? Do they seem to multiply overnight? If you’re spending far too much time tidying up teddies, or have stepped on one too many pieces of Lego, here’s an experienced mum’s guide to managing your toy storageThese days, the sheer range of children’s toys out there is impressive – from messy and creative toys, to instructive and educational toys. However, trying to keep on top of your kids’ many playthings can be a challenge, and having the right toy storage coul …
19th Feb 2021 TCFC Temp
10 fun family activities for a cosy autumn

10 fun family activities for a cosy autumn

The nights are drawing in and the temperature is dropping. Here are 10 ideas for cosy, weather-proof family activities to keep your kids happy and snug this half-term…By Misti Traya For weeks my daughter has been competing with the squirrels as to who can collect the most conkers. Our living room has become a shrine to the autumnal treasures she has gathered. Each day, whilst walking home from school, she stuffs her pockets full of horse chestnuts, tiny acorns, changing leaves, and roses th …
19th Feb 2021 TCFC Temp
Showtime! The 7 best theatres in the UK for children

Showtime! The 7 best theatres in the UK for children

Kids love make-believe – and what better way to introduce them to drama than a family trip to a specialist children’s theatre? From Brighton to Glasgow, here are seven of our favourite kids’ playhouses around Britain…By Misti TrayaSo often when I play with my daughter, the first thing she says is “Let’s pretend. . . “ Playing pretend is one of her favourite games. This is true for lots of children and it is why taking them to the theatre can be such a gratifying experience. Theatre is all about …
18th Feb 2021 TCFC Temp
Every picture tells a story – the magic of children’s book illustrations

Every picture tells a story – the magic of children’s book illustrations

The illustrations we see in our favourite childhood books stay with us for life. Which ones bring back memories for you?By Misti TrayaWhen I lived in Los Angeles, there was a wonderful shop called Every Picture Tells A Story. The sign on the front described it as “A gallery of original art from children’s books.” Though I was an adult, I loved it. It was my happy place and I’d unabashedly use my kid sister who is 23 years my junior as an excuse to go. This bookshop-cum-art gallery was the most m …
18th Feb 2021 TCFC Temp
Children’s bedrooms and the science of sleep

Children’s bedrooms and the science of sleep

Why sound sleep is so important for children – and how to make sure your kids get a proper, healthy night’s sleep…It’s a serious business, sleep. But lack of it is even more serious, according to neuroscientist and leading sleep scientist, Matthew Walker, who believes that we are in the grip of a “sleep-loss epidemic”, with profound implications for the physical and mental health and general well being, not just of adults but of children too. Doing all that we can to help our children …
18th Feb 2021 TCFC Temp
How to get your children to write real letters – a parent’s guide

How to get your children to write real letters – a parent’s guide

There are loads of great reasons to encourage your kids to write and send old-fashioned letters and postcards. Here’s how to get them to enjoy the art of letter-writing…Remember when you were little and the post would arrive? How exciting it was to hear letters being pushed through the door? The only thing more exciting than playing Postman Pat and delivering it to your family was seeing an envelope with your name on it. Children rarely get mail, but when they do it’s not like grown-up mail …
18th Feb 2021 Isabelle
How to survive your child’s first day at school

How to survive your child’s first day at school

You’ve bought the cute lunchbox, they’ve tried on the uniform… and they look so smart, but also so small. Here are some top tips from an experienced mother for coping (practically and emotionally) with your child’s first day at school…by Marian TrudgillIn the midst of the summer months it all seemed so far away, but before you know it the weeks have rolled by and suddenly it’s September and you’re standing, dazed, in front of the school gates. But don’t panic! Here’s an exper …
18th Feb 2021 Isabelle
Do you need a hypoallergenic mattress on a child’s bed?

Do you need a hypoallergenic mattress on a child’s bed?

Many children today suffer from allergies, and numbers are on the rise. However, the symptoms can often be effectively managed by minimising a child’s exposure to common allergens. We look at what causes night time allergies, and how a hypoallergenic mattress can help to provide a healthy and comfortable night’s sleep for your child. Getting a good night’s sleep is essential for children. As well as helping to support their general physical health and development, it’s also important f …
18th Feb 2021 Isabelle
The 7 best hands-on science museums for kids in the UK

The 7 best hands-on science museums for kids in the UK

Love a bit of hands-on learning, with lots of button-pressing and crazy experiments thrown in? Here are 7 brilliant science museums around the UK, perfect for a fun (and educational) family day out… by Misti Traya I don’t know about the children in your life, but those in mine are forever asking “why?” Why are the clouds white? Why does the moon shine at night? Why do I get goosebumps? Why do rainbows appear? Why did the dinosaurs die? Why must I eat green vegetables? Which leav …
18th Feb 2021 Isabelle
25 simple, fun, boredom-busting things to do in the summer holidays (with no screens!)

25 simple, fun, boredom-busting things to do in the summer holidays (with no screens!)

Summer hols feeling a bit long? Switch off the tablets and TVs and try one of these proven boredom-busters. Misti Traya offers a handy list of 25 fun childhood activities that have really stood the test of time… “I’m boooor-ed’…. How many times have you heard that from your child, especially during a long holiday? At the beginning of summer, my daughter is always excited as the potential for fun feels limitless…there’s the end of year class picnic, then ice crea …
18th Feb 2021 TCFC Temp

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